Ike Arumba is a fountainhead of creative impulse that brings a range of experience to CZR. Since the 1970s he has performed alongside, opened for, swilled, smoked, snorted, and God only knows what else with a few international stars as well as innumerable everyday journeymen and hacks. A now-reformed gonzo entertainment and trial lawyer with client and litigation credentials almost as impressive as his ability to practice law and conduct trials impeccably while stoned out of his mind, he was the first recording contract law and negotiation course instructor at the Art Institute of Seattle during the Seattle grunge explosion. He fronts his band, Ike Arumba and the Infidels, was a member of Nashville recording act Renegade, and performs solo and occasionally as a side man with various other acts, from rock to polka-fusion. Ike loves everybody, oh yes he does, even you! Listen in and you too will say “I like Ike”! Ike answers your emails on air!
Every Tuesday night at 8 pm Central. Listen on your desktop or download our app from your android or iPhone store.
The Latest Ike Arumba Episode
( Ike is on a short hiatus, we will be uploading previous episodes for the interim )
Ike’s Music Choices This Week
The Reverent Cavaliers – Low Key And Lovin It
Soul Coughing – Super Bon Bon
Yoko Phono – Trying
Lumer – English Dream
Me Like Bees – Radio
Jay Stulo – Carolina
Ike Arumba & The Infidels w/Amelia Ford – Strange Love Thing
Pudge – Bruises
Sons Of Kong – Don’t Wanna Say
Acrobvt – Can’t Put You Down
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I never miss an episode of Ike Arumba. I also like shiny things.
Was your ma a crow?